The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting yet nerve-wracking time for both students and their families. It’s a period of significant change—socially, emotionally, and academically. Alongside adapting...
Miky Smith is the newest member of the Organising Students team – here’s 10 facts about Miky that you might be interested to learn! I have a year 10 daughter...
We are frequently asked by parents for app recommendations, for anything ranging from assistive technology for neurodivergent students to more simple productivity tools. By way of a more comprehensive answer,...
In the last blog post we defined perfectionism as the tendency to adopt unrealistic or unnecessarily high expectations about one’s standard of work, and discussed how to identify it as...
As a new member of the Organising Students team – here’s 10 facts about Jemimah that you might be interested to learn! For a good chunk of my childhood I...
As a new member of the Organising Students team – here’s 10 facts about Maxi that you might be interested to learn! 1. I’m not the ‘coolest’ in my family...
In March 2022 Neurodiversity Celebration Week was celebrated worldwide – this initiative challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported...
The forgetting curve is such an important tool that all students need to know about when it comes to learning. It can really help them to achieve better results! Regularly...
With mid year exams coming to an end it is vital that students MUST self reflect to LEARN! Self reflection is one of the most useful tools that students have...
I regularly get asked by parents how many hours should my child be studying each night and on the weekend? For something different I have put together this VLOG today...
With 2020 a year many students (& others) would like to put past them there are some key learnings that are useful to take particular note of. With the 2021...
You are probably already wondering what I mean by ‘Study is the wrong word’? I can give you many reasons why I think this word is not the right word...
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