Supporting students and parents with transition
These comprehensive eBooks offer insights into transitioning to secondary school, filled with tips and strategies for a smooth and successful journey, including:
"Wow. This is FANTASTIC! This is a comprehensive guide that answers all the concerns Year 6 students usually have. It will bethe saving grace for many families"
Barb Adam, Educator and Retired Primary School Principal
“Thanks for sending your eBooks through, they look like resources that many parents might find helpful. I wish you all the best in your endeavours and appreciate the work you are doing to help support students and their families in the transition from primary to secondary school”
Victorian Education Department
“The move to secondary school feels less daunting after reading Amanda’s thorough guides for parents and students. This is advice that will reach beyond high school and into careers.”
Emma Grey, parent and author
“Amanda includes practical, informative and thought provoking information in her eBook. This resource is real, covers all bases and enables families to be prepared for the exciting, yet often daunting, transition from Primary to Secondary school.”
Fiona Limoli, Educational consultant
“Great books to dip into whether you have a confident, organised ‘raring to go’ Year 6 student or one who is grappling a bit with the change!”
Simone Hartley Keane, Parent Year 7 student
“Thank you for taking the stress away that I was feeling about going to secondary school and making friends.”
Year 6 student, Moonee Ponds West Primary School
Amanda regularly conducts workshops for students in Year 6 & 7 and parents within the school environment or externally.
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