6 Tips on setting up a student homework environment that works

We are entering the second term of school in the Southern Hemisphere and its probably time to ensure the homework environment in your home is set up and functioning.

The homework environment is something I review and discuss with my getting organised students and their parents as it is really important that the space supports and works for the students giving them every opportunity to succeed at school.Student homework holder

Recently when working with a student it was clear that she did not like working in the study though she was unable to explain why.  As a result she was usually doing her homework lying on her bed which was not really working for her either as she shared a bedroom with a younger sibling,  After review of the space I realised it was dark in terms of lighting and decorations, there was clutter all around and it was not a functioning as a homework space.  Following discussion with the parents and making a few changes to the lighting, colour of the walls (from dark brown to white), removal of the clutter and large printer I am pleased to report she now loves being in that space and regularly completes her homework.

Here are 6 tips to assist you to set up a student homework environment that works for your children:

  • Create a homework station – think about creating an area in your home for this.  Remember it might need to be different spaces for older and younger children.  Those younger might need your involvement in their homework and therefore it is likely this will need to be where you are.  Older children usually work well in an environment that is well lit, free of distractions and quiet, however remember that some children actually focus better with people around or noise.  Ensure the space you decide on has all the necessary supplies they are likely to require. Stock up on age appropriate supplies such as pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and sharpeners so as to avoid last minute trips to the store.
  • Create a homework routine to help you and your children stay on top.  The time you or your children pick needs to work well for their energy levels and fit in with other after school activities.
  • Have a set time – For some families having a set blackout or quite time that fits in with both the parents and children’s routines can work.  This is a time where there is no noise in the house for say 1 to 1.5 hours and homework is done for those that need to do it and for others it might be reading a book, doing chores, or generally having quiet play time.
  • Assist your children to have an action plan – Children are more likely to get started if they have a plan of action and stay motivated to get the work done.  Break tasks into small chunks. For children struggling with motivation start with an easy task first rather than the longest.  The aim being they probably won’t even notice they have really started.
  • Keeping homework materials together – When it comes to their homework how often do children leave half done bits of work or materials lying around?  To combat this you might like to set up something like a magazine holder for each child to keep their school work and reference material.  This will provide you with a neater environment and also everyone will know where to find his or her belongings.
  • Ensure the space is well lit and inviting with few distractions.

If you would like further advice on getting your children more organised when it comes to studying and getting the best out of them, I am happy to discuss my Student Success Program.   Contact me on 0409 967 166 or email [email protected]

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