Parent Tips

Executive functions are a bit like buzz words that these days you often hear being discussed or mentioned when it comes to students. In the work we do with students...

What is the future of education in Australia? Towards the end of 2016 I had the opportunity to see the educational film – Most Likely to Succeed by Greg Whitely....

Can you relate to this when asking children questions about how they went at school and the only answers you get are short one word responses or no response at...

Children really are like little sponges from an early age and we need to start teaching them to pick up after themselves and be organised or they will never learn....

Another year has past and I thought it would be useful to share with you articles of interest and blogs that I came across (or wrote) in 2016 that relate...

Transition to secondary school is one of the biggest transitions a student will face in their lives. Whilst some children find the process very easy, many more can find this...

One of the biggest fears for many Grade 6 students about going to secondary school is wondering how they will make new friends. Whether they are going with others they...

Goal setting for students is important and cannot be under estimated. Not only will this help with their academic success but also with their overall careers and in life. Recently...

The importance of children learning and developing time management skills at a young age cannot be under estimated. The earlier a child starts the more likely they will establish good...

Here are my top 5 useful student organising resources that you might want to consider if you haven’t already for your children to use at school and at home. My...

Transition to secondary school is a significant event in the lives of students. It is a time of immense change – physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Loaded on top then...

Time management is important for students of all ages and is a skill that can be learned if not part of ones general make up already. I won’t tell you...